Aloe vera gel is a very efficient internal cleanser. It gets rid of body toxins that invade your body.
The many benefits of aloe vera have been enjoyed by mankind for thousands of years.
How Does It Rid Your Body Of Toxic Substances?
Aloe vera gel sweeps away body toxins effectively because of these three important components:
* Saponin - it is a water-based detergent and emulsifier found in aloe vera. It works as a cleanser in the gastro-intestinal tract
* Lignin - a deep-penetrating agent, it penetrates up to the seventh layer of the cell
* Proteolytic Enzymes - also known as proteases, these enzymes digest rotten waste inside your bowels. These are also utilized by the macrophages to literally eat up the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that invade your immune system
Other Aloe Vera Benefits That You Get From Drinking The Gel
* Vitamins - A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Folic Acid
* Minerals - calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium
* Amino Acids - isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proteins, serine, tyrosine
* Enzymes - catalyst, speeds up chemical reaction
* Polysaccharides - cellulose, glucose, acemannan, galactose, etc.
* Prostaglandins - strong anti-inflammatory agent, it encourages healing through cell regeneration
* Lectins - stimulates the production of lymphocyte cells
* Sterols - strong anti-inflammatory agent
* Glyco-protein - inhibits pain
* Hormones - accelerates new cell production
* Salicylates - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, pain reliever
* Fatty acids - stearic, palmitic, oleic, caprilic, myristic, linolenic, linoleic
Here's an important point to consider:
Aloe vera gel is extremely sensitive.
It oxidizes within four hours when exposed to the air.
It loses its nutritional value once it is oxidized.
That is why you have to refrigerate the bottle once it is opened.
So, how do you know if what you buy is top quality aloe vera gel?
The International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval on the side of the bottle is your assurance that what you buy is high quality aloe vera gel.
Do not buy if you cannot find this seal of approval on the side of the bottle.
Price Of Product 155gh cedis
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